What are the different food choices for the treatment of ED?


ED can indeed make it very difficult for a person to achieve and maintain an erection. But, besides taking proper medications, a healthy diet and a lifestyle also contribute to suppressing ED problems. Kamagra should not always be taken because it has potential side effects. Therefore, the foods men can take to get relief from ED are as follows.

  • Olive Oil.
  • Berries.
  • Salmon.
  • Nuts and legumes.
  • Whole grains.
  • Herbs and spices.
  • Meat and poultry.
  • Tea and Coffee.
  • Leafy greens.

Can food selections help with ED problems?

A study in the past with men between 18-40 years revealed that those consuming higher amount of flavones in their diet improved their ED conditions. Flavones are sub compounds that are found in fruits and vegetables. They are a part of the parent compound called flavonoids, found in teas, fruits and vegetables.

The concentration of flavones in different foods includes the following.

  • Chamomile Tea.
  • Bergamot Juice.
  • Artichoke Heads.
  • Bell Peppers.
  • Kumquat.

What are the top food choices for ED?

According to researches, below given are some food options that have shown good results for the treatment of ED.


A study of middle aged men revealed that those who had 9-11% concentration of flavonoids in their diet had reduced chances of ED compared to those who had lesser concentration. Here are the following foods which can significantly reduce the chances of ED by 19-20%.

  • Strawberries.
  • Blueberries.
  • Apples.
  • Pears.
  • Citrus Fruits.


It is concluded that higher consumption of Omega 3 Fatty acid has lower chances of psychologial disorders that in turn might lower down ED. Cold water Salmon is one of the most fundamental sources of Omega 3 Fatty acid. However, farm raised salmon might have fewer nutrients as the Omega 3 comes from algae which is not very common in the fish farms. The level of Omega 3 fatty acids in farm salmon depends mainly on what the fish eats.

But, for larger amounts of Omega 3, individuals should consume more wild salmon from cold waters. Besides Omega 3, if you are looking for direct and instant treatment to achieve an erection, there is nothing better than the Kamagra pills. You can find them at Online Meds in Australia and get instant relief from ED.

Whole Grains

Some studies reveal that a Mediterranean diet that contains whole grains is more beneficial for Ed than a low fat diet. It means that a healthy balanced diet consisting of whole grains without any potential harmful additives such as pesticides can benefit individuals with ED. However, there aren’t enough studies to reveal the overall health benefits of whole grains.

Meats and Poultry

L-arginine is a meal that has a strong ED suppressant effect. It is an amino acid that can be found in diets high in protein. Research indicates that men with ED have reduced L-arginine levels. These food ingredients are used by the body to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide promotes blood flow to the penis by relaxing and expanding blood vessels. Foods that are effective sources of L-Arginine are as follows.

  • Poultry.
  • Red Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Nuts.
  • Dairy Products.

Foods to avoid to improve ED conditions

There are some foods that males should avoid to improve their ED conditions. They are as follows.


Regularly eating foods that contain proportions of sugar can lead to weight gain and a higher body mass index. Excess body weight and an increase in BMI can also lead to ED. There are many cases around the world where diabetes and obesity have led to ED.

High-Fat Meals

Atherosclerosis is more likely to occur in those who are obese, have high blood pressure, and have high cholesterol. Plaque accumulation on the inside lining of the arteries causes this. The organs receive less blood and oxygen as a result of this. Research also shows that men with artery problems and clogged arteries have less blood flowing to their penises.


While these are the food habits that males with ED should follow to get relief from the symptoms, it is also necessary to consult a doctor when the condition worsens. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • Men get erections sometimes but not at the time of having sex.
  • Not able to maintain an erection during an intercourse.
  • Unable to get an erection any time.

A doctor can best treat a person suffering from these conditions. Otherwise, you can get Kamagra to achieve an erection instantly during sexual intercourse. To buy Kamagra in Australia, you can contact Online Meds to get your product.