Invisalign vs. Braces – Why More People Are Choosing Invisalign

Invisalign vs. Braces - Why More People Are Choosing Invisalign

Amongst the modern advancements in dentistry, your braces journey need not be clunky, with a mouthful of metal hiding your smile. Compared to traditional braces, there are fresh alternatives like Invisalign. 

Offering a sleek and sophisticated solution, Invisalign is the perfect invisible aligner that changes the traditional orthodontic process.

But what are the benefits Invisalign offers in straightening your teeth that traditional braces could not over these years? This blog aims to shed light on all the benefits of choosing Invisalign at a cosmetic dentist in Woodbridge over traditional braces that go beyond the looks and serve maximum comfort. 

What is the distinction between Invisalign and traditional braces?

Before we understand what benefits you can avail yourself of from selecting Invisalign over traditional braces, knowing the difference between them could give you a better and greater understanding. Here’s a detailed difference between the both:

FactorsInvisalignTraditional Braces
AppearanceThe aligners are made of BPA-free plastic and are clear and transparent.The traditional ones are highly visible and made of metal wires and rubber bands. 
ComfortThey fit perfectly over your teeth and provide a smooth surface with minimal irritation on cheeks and gumsThe metal wires cause discomfort, sores, and cuts.
RemovabilityEasily removable while eating, brushing, and flossing, helping you maintain oral hygiene.Traditional braces cannot be removed and remain on your teeth for treatment, leading foods to stick.

Apart from these major factors, the effectiveness and maintenance of both kinds of braces are also considered before determining which will best help you achieve your goals.

Why does Invisalign stand out as a choice?

While traditional braces have been the choice for ages, what made this alternative of Invisalign such a popular choice amongst individuals? Here’s what makes them stand out:

  • It provides better aesthetic appeal
  • Are more comfortable than traditional braces
  • Made with 3D printing to fit your teeth perfectly
  • Convenient to use
  • Do not give sores to your mouth

In addition, the overall ability to provide a broader scope of advancement in your braces journey makes Invisalign stand out.

Benefits Invisalign offers over traditional braces

There are various ways in which Invisalign is better than traditional braces, but what are the benefits you can get by switching to Invisalign? 

  1. The transparent look is perfect for appearance-conscious individuals.
  2. The Invisalign saves you from discomfort caused by mental brackets and wires and gives you the utmost comfort.
  3. Invisalign allows you to floss and clean your teeth easily, maintain oral hygiene, and enjoy a variety of foods.
  4. Using Invisalign is more convenient than traditional braces as it saves you from visiting the orthodontics for adjustment every 4 to 5 weeks.
  5. With Invisalign, your diet is much less restricted, and you are free to enjoy even hard and chewy foods.

Concerns to consider before choosing Invisalign

Alongside these benefits of Invisalign, there are significant concerns that you must evaluate before switching from traditional braces to Invisalign. Here are all the precautions to consider before making that switch:

  • Be aware that you should wear the aligner for at least 20 to 22 hours with discipline, even though it is easy to remove.
  • Take precautions against losing or breaking the aligners when not in use, and store them well. 
  • A new pair of Invisalign could take some time to adjust and set comfortably.
  • Invisalign is comparatively costlier than traditional braces.

You can evaluate more such concerns through a proper consultation with your doctor.


In conclusion, switching to Invisalign over traditional braces has multiple benefits. Be it the treatment’s looks, comfort, or effectiveness, Invisalign’s all-around benefits have made it a go-to choice for doctors and individuals seeking a perfect braces journey.