Orthopedic Surgeons And The Battle Against Osteoporosis

Marque A. Allen DPM, FACFAS

Welcome to our latest discussion on osteoporosis. This battle against bone loss is being fought passionately by orthopedic surgeons. Among these experts in combating osteoporosis is the highly respected Marque A. Allen DPM, FACFAS. He has dedicated his life to understanding and treating this condition. Let’s delve into the front lines of this battle.

Osteoporosis – A Silent Threat

Osteoporosis often arrives like a thief in the night. It creeps in, robbing our bones of their strength. The signs are hidden until a simple fall leads to a serious fracture. But orthopedic surgeons are working tirelessly to intercept this thief. They have taken up the challenge of early detection and prevention.

The Role of Orthopedic Surgeons

Orthopedic surgeons like Marque A. Allen DPM, FACFAS, are the generals in this fight. They work on several fronts. These include early detection, effective treatment, and raising awareness about osteoporosis. They perform bone density tests to diagnose osteoporosis. They also prescribe and manage medications to slow or reverse bone loss.

Fighting with Knowledge

Orthopedic surgeons know the power of information. They strive to educate the public on the risks and prevention methods for osteoporosis. Here are some key points they emphasize:

  • A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
  • Regular weight-bearing exercise
  • Quitting smoking and avoiding excessive alcohol

Comparing the Impact

Let’s take a look at the difference orthopedic surgeons make in the battle against osteoporosis. The following table shows the impact of their interventions:

No interventionWith intervention
Number of fracturesHighLower
Quality of lifePoorBetter
Mortality rateHigherLower


The battle against osteoporosis is tough. But with orthopedic surgeons like Marque A. Allen DPM, FACFAS leading the charge, we have hope. They are armed with knowledge, experience, and a deep commitment to their patients. It’s a fight we can’t afford to lose. And with them on our side, we won’t.