How to Stay Calm During Stressful Times


There is no denying that life can be extremely stressful sometimes. Between work pressures, family responsibilities, money worries and health issues, it is easy to become overwhelmed and operate in a constant state of anxiety and hyperarousal. But running in this stressed-out mode for too long takes a huge toll, physically and mentally.

During life’s most intense periods, it’s crucial to have coping strategies to help keep your cool. With practice, you can learn to remain calm even when it feels like everything is falling apart around you. To that end, here are some tips for feeling more Zen when stress strikes.

Breathe Mindfully


The simple act of breathing is a remarkably powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety. But according to the experts over at Maloca Sound, most of us are not breathing properly. The next time you feel worked up, try conscious breathwork by inhaling deeply through your nose while expanding your belly. Slowly exhale out through pursed lips. Just a few cycles of this diaphragmatic breathing can immediately calm your mind and body.

Take a Break

When you are in the midst of a high-stress situation, hitting the pause button for a few minutes can be game-changing. Step away from what is overwhelming you to simply take some deep, nourishing breaths. Even a quick five-minute break can clear your head.

Change Your Environment

Get Outside

There is just something about being in nature that is inherently soothing for the soul. When feelings of anxiety and stress take over, get yourself into an outdoor setting with plenty of fresh air, even if it’s just a park near your workplace. Breathe deeply while looking at the trees, clouds, and birds.

Find a Quiet Space

Too much noise, chaos, and commotion can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed. Give yourself a temporary escape by finding a quiet, distraction-free space. This could be a quiet room, an empty stairwell, or even just sitting in your car for a few minutes.

Implement Relaxation Practices


Meditation is an amazingly effective way to cultivate inner peace. It teaches you to view your thoughts and feelings as temporary rather than obsessing over them. Start with just 5-10 minutes per day of guided breathing meditation to experience its calming benefits.

Get Moving

It’s tough to feel stressed and anxious when you’re exerting energy through physical movement. Go for a brisk walk around the block, do some light stretches or yoga poses, or just put on a fun music playlist and shake it out through dance. This helps relieve pent-up tension.

Treat Yourself Kindly

Stay Hydrated

Being dehydrated makes you more susceptible to feelings of stress, anxiety, and moodiness. Always keep a reusable water bottle with you as a reminder to take on some hydration throughout the day.

Write It Out

Sometimes, stress and anxious thoughts get amplified by bottling them up inside. Getting them out of your head and onto paper can be incredibly cathartic and calming. Try free writing in a journal without censoring yourself.

Laugh It Off

Laughter truly is good medicine during tough times. When you are taking things too seriously, put on a funny TV show or podcast, read some jokes online, or call your funniest friend. Allowing yourself to stay lighthearted reduces anxiety.


Stress and anxiety are inevitable parts of life that we cannot always control. But we can control how we respond to and deal with those intense emotional states. Be proactive about practicing calm. Don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed; make these strategies part of your regular self-care routine. With repetition, you’ll become more resilient in the face of stressful situations.